Mahanager GasT.L.Sharnagat Vice President (C&P and CRO)
"LERMS has proved to be very powerful Enterprise Risk Management tool which has moved our Risk management processes towards better monitoring and control while the team proactively deals with Risk identified in the Organisation.
The issues of reminders for Risk Rating updates on Risk Timelines and escalation in case of breaches in mitigation plans were all manually done prior to LERMS. A collaboration tool was a critical need in MGL considering the nature of its Industry, so the Laser LERMS Tool workflows helped automate the Enterprise Risk update process and also reduced subjectivity to a great extent while reducing manual intervention remarkably . Access to a number of customised MIS reports are now available at the click of a button, which was a time consuming exercise always.
Overall, LERMS has provided quick response to MGL’s ERM software tool requirement and great customer service with a noticeable quality of service that has resulted in meeting our business needs. We are satisfied knowing there is a large team of experts behind us, guaranteeing high levels of service and solutions that give our business a competitive edge.
We recommend LERMS as an effective, efficient and user friendly tool for the Enterprise Risk Management of any organization."